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My Introduction of Myself


I love the Sims 2, I play on an iMac and I like it. I have to be careful and picky as to what I install, so lots of times I might like something, but not that much or I am not sure if I will really use it or I have to get rid of some of the re-colours

I have to limit the number of files that I have installed in the game, because if I don't I get errors. I fixed the errors one gets when one plays on a Mac and they exceed the Maximum Open File Limit on a Mac {Unix} Operating System by trying to load too many files in The Sims 2. It is techical, but once it is done it is fine unless one tries to add a lot more additional content. I did the FIX twice now because I added more stuff than the limit, so unless I want to jump through hoops again, I restrain myself from installing too much.

I don't try to download Sims because most of the time Sims are going to require EPs that I don't have and I don't care to try to look for old Sims made before FT came out.

I usually don't download lots. So far I have downloaded two, one is the Apple Store from MTS and the other is the Cactus Cafe from InSim. The Apple Store works fine even though it has a lot of custom content, the other lot crashes if I try to go there in the Build Mode in the Neighborhood. So I don't download lots for the most part.

I love clothes and hair and vehicles and deco objects and other stuff, even if I do have to limit how many of them I have.

I am really not interested in creating for the game or sharing content except that I work with LientebollemeiS2I who does careers and I work on chance cards for her. I like her custom careers and food.  I am not sure what the policy is on links to sites that are not mine own, but I can link to her site if there is interest.

I do appreciate the efforts of the creators of the Sims 2 content that is here and elsewhere. So Thanks for doing what you do!

I do like to share knowledge of how to play and if there are any Mac people that need help I do that, I try to be helpful with everyone else too.

I can be found on a number of Sims 2 sites mostly using lordtyger9, but also I am just lordtyger, same user.

Welcome to S2A! It's nice to meet you!


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